

Biocelerator BC-500 is a biostimulator composed of colorless, nontoxic and biodegradable nanoparticles which have the same characteristics as potable water. It increases microbiological activity in a water medium. Biocelerator BC-500 contains no added enzymes, nutrients or biological compositions.

As a “next generation” biological stimulant, BC-500 is designed to provide an increased capacity of existing waste water treatment plants, delivering reduced operational costs and improved performance. This stimulation is applicable to a wide range of treatment systems, including both anaerobic and aerobic processes, reducing BOD, COD, TSS, FOG, H2S and etc.

Without the requirement of any PPE’s for application, BC-500 is non-hazardous, non-corrosive, non-irritating and ready to use, eliminating the need for mixing or diluting.

This high-performance technology is applied proportional to daily flow rates, ranging from 1-10ppm, depending on existing performance and effluent severity.

Biocelerator BC-500 is used in both municipal and industrial waste water facilities with easy application methods and no harmful by-products.


→ Click here to view IPAL Suwung, Bali – Completed Project PDF

Currently servicing 25 million litres per day the wastewater plant comprises of two large Aeration Lagoons and two large sedimentation lagoons with the final output being discharged into swamp land and then into the nearby Benoa Bay Harbour.

The plant also services the restaurant effluent of FOG (Fats, Oil and Grease) that are discharged into digestor (400,000 litre capacity) that had many issues such as foul odour and disposal issues when disposed of onto drying beds.

Biocelerator met with IPAL management of Suwung in June 2019 and discovered a number of challenges the wastewater plant was experiencing, such as:

High electricity consumption due to expensive costs ($20,000 USD monthly) of operating 16-18 Aerators daily and the maintenance issues and costs that encompass operating this many Aerators.

The wastewater plant had been under pressure by government environmental policy guidelines to achieve below 100mg/L of COD readings (tested at the outlet of the plant) as pollution of the surrounding environment and harbour area was at a critical level.

The sedimentation ponds were due to be dredged from 10 years of sludge buildup. Very strong odour was observed at the plant. A demonstration was organised to begin in July 2019 using 40 Litres of Biocelerator BC 500 by dribble feed tanks per day and manually pouring in 5 litres per day into the FOG digester by IPAL personnel.


ODOUR OBJECTIVE ACHIEVED in 7 DAYS: Within 4 days the odour of the entire plant had significantly been reduced and within 3 more days there was no odour at all (with the exception of the two inlet points where untreated sewage enters the plant)

Due to the size of the plant over the next few months the aerators began to be turned off. This was a carefully managed process that was achieved by daily testing and checking bi-weekly COD testing, balancing of TSS (Total Suspended Solids) and DO (Dissolved Oxygen) levels to ensure safe operational management.

What was observed was an increase of TSS levels in the sedimentation lagoons.

This increase is due to the high levels of aeration and Biocelerator BC 500 providing an environment for the sludge to ‘eat itself’ as it naturally would in a healthy microbiological process but at an extremely rapid rate using Biocelerator technology.

Once instructions from Biocelerator were followed in lowering the numbers of aerators operating the TSS levels dropped and in turn COD figures consistently lowered to below 100mg/L. (A figure which had not been achieved before with the historical data provided by Suwung WWTP).


Biocelerator successfully proved that with the use of only 4 aerators operating that COD levels of below 100mg/L were consistently achieved. Biocelerator is confident that only 2-3 aerators would be required for ongoing use in the near future (as opposed to the 12-16 aerator operating before).

A 70%-80% reduction of electricity consumption from aerator use was achieved successfully.

Aerator Electricity Reduction 80%


With only 5 litres of BC-500 applied daily, the 400,000 litre per day digestor experienced nearly instant odour reduction. Workers in this area were amazed by the elimination of odour only 3 days after dosing commenced.

The sludge consistency went from a thick odorous effluent to a very thin non odorous effluent. A reduction of drying bed usage was also observed.


From measuring TSS and the noticable decrease in ‘dead zones’ in aeration pond 1. Biocelerator continual use has been proven to reduce sludge at an antonishing rate.

While there was a lack of data from bathymetric testing before the trial, use of Biocelerator would alleviate any need for dredging in the future by continually reducing sludge content in an accelerated (but also natural) process. This provides a significant cost saving to the wastewater plant of approximately $200,000 USD.



Dosing of pump stations situated further up the sewage feed line infrastructure will remove odour and clean the build up of sludge in the pipes. This in turn will greatly reduce pipe maintenance costs and increase the lifespan of existing reticulation and pumping infrastructure as well as totally eliminating odour before it reaches the plant.


Bali and Indonesia has a challenge of foul odour emanating from open sewage vents, pipes and river ways. Biocelerator has proven its unique benefit of totally removing all odour from these areas, providing an optmised water environment that can process contaminants extremely efficiently.

Biocelerator BC-500 greatly accelerated natural biological processes to improve system efficiency without any need for chemicals or introducing foreign bacteria or enzymes. Biocelerator is NOT a bacteria or an enzyme and is 100% non toxic with ZERO VOC.

Suwung WWTP requested Indonesian government for adoption of Biocelerator BC 550 for year 2020 and beyond in their budget after judged the demonstration a success.

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Case Study Testing for BC-500 in Wastewater Treatment Plant

Wastewater plant built in 2010 composed of anaerobic reactors, anaerobic filters with 12 drying beds and maturation lagoons and receives 2.4MGPD of sewage. A performance demonstration of BC-500 began with a dosage of 2.4Gal per day(1 ppm).

Objective: to demonstrate the increased performance of the waste water treatment process and to show a reduction in already deposited biomass in the maturation lagoons, in order to avoid dredging. The lagoon was at 58.8% solid content at the beginning.

Results at 22 days:

  • The green coloration of the final effluent “disappeared”
  • Surface biomass appeared, released from the bottom of the lagoon, due to decreased density and the production of biogas inside the layers of deposit solids
  • Off gassing across the entire surface of the maturation lagoons, including “Dead zones”, where there is little to no flow due to accumulated biomass
  • Hydraulic flow in previously considered “Dead zones” that form due to the sedimentation of biomass
  • Reduction in odor generated at each stage of the system

Results at 83 days:

  • The color of final effluent is very clear, without the presence of solids or odor
  • Hydraulic flow in previously considered “Dead zones”
  • The island of biomass that was present in the lagoon reduced considerably in size
  • Biomass from the lagoons continues to release from the bottom, now with a much lower density
  • Reduction in biomass at the exit
  • The surface biomass (FOG) in the anaerobic reactors was consumed, only inorganic materials remained, such as plastics and etc
  • Drastic odor reduction in the entire plant, noted by plant operators, employees and the surrounding population
  • An increased efficiency in the removal of BOD and COD, achieving levels previously achieved in early years of plant operation
  • Reduction in excess biomass in the anaerobic reactors, led to the “elimination” of the use of drying beds
  • Reduction of 21% in the deposited biomass in the maturation lagoons from an initial 58.8% down to 37.8%. Continued application of the product will see further ongoing reductions of the organic solids component of the biomass over time.

Financial Impact:

  • Costs of US$120,000 per year for drying bed usage and solids disposal was eliminated
  • The US$800,000 dredging cost was deemed unnecessary and was also eliminated

Performance Impact:

  • Reduction/Elimination of odor / H2S 1-15 days
  • Reduction in BOD & COD 30-60 days
  • Reduction in excess solids and FOG 60days+
  • Reduction in TSS and turbidity 15-30 days
  • Increased Biogas production 60-90 days

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  • Increased microbiological activity
  • Greatly reduces Aeration generation costs
  • Increased removal of BOD, COD and FOG
  • Increased biomass decomposition
  • Reduction or Elimination of odor
  • Reduction in H2S generation
  • Reduction in turbidity
  • Increased biogas production for biodigesters
  • Performs in both cold and warm climates


  • Anaerobic/Aerobic reactors
  • Anaerobic/Aerobic filters
  • Anaerobic/Aerobic lagoons
  • Facultative lagoons
  • Maturation lagoons
  • Clarifiers
  • Biodigesters


  • Municpal Wastewater Treatment Plants
  • Slaughterhouses- Beef, Pork & Chicken
  • Agricultural Lagoons – Beef, Pork & Dairy
  • Aquaculture – Fish Farms,
  • Shrimp Farms (fresh & saltwater)